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Monday, May 23, 2011

From "I Love You" To "I Like You"..

Hi AskBeloved. Please what do you do when your girl tells you that she don’t love you but likes you and all the ‘I love you’ that she has told you ought to be ‘I like you’ and now she has another guy she likes also? Iyke.

Hi Iyke, I'll start by saying that her action showed that she never really “loved” you but one question I'll ask you is this: did she really agree to enter into a relationship with you or has she been taking you as just her friend?

If she did, that means she wasn’t committed to the relationship like you were. But if she didn’t and you assumed she did, then in her heart and by this kind of behavior, she takes you as her friend and the words “I love you” can be said to a friend too depending on the sincerity of that friendship.

But whatever your answer may be, there's really nothing you can do about it and she's really not worth fighting for if she can jump into another relationship regardless of the one you're both in(i.e. if she agreed to it in the first place).

Life must go on, just learn your lesson and be wiser in entrusting your heart to any girl. My advice; take your time and prayerfully seek God's guidance for your next relationship.
There's nothing prayer cannot do. Pray and believe that if she's yours, God will definitely bring her back to you. All the very best.

Remain richly blessed dear..

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