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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Knowing Your True Love

How can someone know his or her true love?

Dear Kenny, thanks for visiting and dropping your question here. Finding or knowing your true love is one of the hardest things for humans to achieve. Many people have given so many formulas and at the end, heartbreaks still occur. This happens because we have refused to consult the author of love whose name is God.

The only way of knowing true love for sure is when you allow God to reveal the heart of those who profess to love you and you do this, not by following your feelings/emotions cos they mislead most times but by humbly praying and asking God for wisdom to know the right person.

The last issue I treated on the acronym of the words "I LOVE YOU" will equally be of help to you. Let me summarize it a bit for you:
I stands for INTEGRITY - anyone who professes to love you cannot cheat on and lie to you.
L stands for LISTEN - he/she must listen well and must pay attention when being talked to.
O stands for OBEDIENCE - must be obedient to you whether you are the elder or younger one.
V stands for VALUE - anyone who professes to love you must value you and be honest too.
E stands for ENDURANCE - true love endureth all things(no room for impatience).
Y stands for YEARN - to yearn means to be compassionate and filled with tenderness not lust.
O stands for OPENHANDED - must not be stingy with money, time, energy, intellect etc.
U stands for UPRIGHT - must be upright and accountable in all things.

This may look like a fantasy but it's not. The person must not be perfect in all of them but must exceed at least 60% in these virtues and it's only those whose lives are hidden in Christ that have these attributes so in essence, only "genuine" not fake born-again Christians can really show true love to others.

The surest and best way of knowing your true love is by allowing God to search the hearts of those who profess to love you and give you the genuine one among them or someone else entirely. But you should be prepared to wait on Him and forsake all sins.

Remain richly blessed dear

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