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Friday, March 04, 2011

Answering A Marriage Proposal

How long should it take a lady to answer a proposal?

Thanks Chris for your question. The answer is "As long as it takes God to convince or confirm it in her heart". Once you're very sure that God has spoken to you and confirmed the lady as your wife, then be prepared to prayerfully wait as God confirms you in her own heart too.

Patience is greatly required here because you just have to wait and you can also help her by praying for her and asking God to minister it to her heart. At God's own time, He'll surely confirm it in her heart cos our Lord is not a God of confusion.

But if it starts taking years and she still says she's not sure, doesn't trust you enough or haven't yet heard from God, then I'll advice you go back on your knees to commune with your Creator to make sure you heard correctly from Him because sometimes, our desires blind our eyes.

Remain richly blessed..

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