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Monday, August 08, 2011

Ten Lies Of Pornography(4)..

Little Kids Should Have Sex:

Most times, we wonder at the rate child trafficking, child abuse and other forms of child malpractices are on the increase but its root can be found in the subtle psychological influence of pornography whereby women are dressed as little kids and behave as such too to win over their male counterparts. This injects into most men the thoughts of molesting and sexually abusing babies and little kids, even their children in some cases.
One of the biggest sellers in pornography is imitation of "child" porn. The women are "made-up" to look like little girls by wearing pony tails, little girl shoes, holding a teddy bear. The message of the pictures and cartoons is that
adults having sex with a kid is normal. This sets the porn user up to see children in a sexual way.
Some adults suffered from child abuse when they were kids or in their early teens. One of such is Joyce Meyers of the Joyce Meyer Ministries who suffered sexual abuse from her father but God really helped her to overcome such evil in her life and today, she’s a great woman of God helping other ladies in bondage to become free.
Unfortunately, some ladies/guys never recover from such inhuman treatment and as such, they walk the streets as male and female prostitutes carrying the wounds and scars of sordid and devastating abused pasts. These are the effects of pornography on our environment and culture.
God never made it this way. The innocence of children is meant to be preserved till adulthood but the devil working through porn movies have destroyed this plan of God. If you are suffering from child abuse or know someone who is, share the gospel with them because only Christ can totally bring a positive change in their lives like He did for Joyce Meyer.
P.S - I'll really appreciate your comments. 
Remain richly blessed

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